Waste Disposal Methods

Housing And Space Management 3(2+1)

Lesson 25 : Waste Disposal System

Waste Disposal Methods

Waste disposal


Hygienic Practice

Solid waste disposal Open dumping. The domestic refuse should be collected in a container or bin which has a tight-fitting cover. The bins must be kept away from cooking area. Collected refuse should be transferred to either Vermi-compost units or burnt , if it is not organic.
Excreta disposal Open field defecation. Separate areas allotted for men and women. Children sat in the courtyard and feces disposed by open dumping. Individual household latrines Community latrines - A variety of superstructures and latrines are available for community use with separate access for men and women School and anganwadi latrines for use by School children
Sullage disposal Concrete lined open drains, some of which were blocked at places leading to water collection. Soakage pits, some of which were saturated. Household or community kitchen gardens. Waste water flowing in earthen unlined open drains or along the slope leading to water
Animal waste disposal sites Heaps of cow dung near houses collected for composting. Compost pits in the fields. Cow dung lying along the roads.
Last modified: Wednesday, 13 June 2012, 10:41 AM