All green plants require light in order to grow and develop properly.
Light is a primary necessity for house plants and light intensity is one of the important factors controlling the quality of plants, such as, internodes length, foliage colour, carbohydrate level, growth rate and acclimatization.
Higher light levels require application of more fertilizers to maintain good quality, where as lower light intensity requires less nutrients because of reduced total demand.
Plants first grow under high light and then acclimatization for the low light in rooms will possess two types of leaves. The lower leaves which have developed under high light will be small, hardy and less efficient to produce food. The upper leaves, which are acclimatized are broader, larger and have a deeper green colour.
Plants may be selected according to their light requirements to fit the decorative need.
If the plants are desired for a darkened wall of a corner, opposite to a window, the plants should be brought to the lower light area gradually.
The plant may first be placed near the window, where they will receive diffused and not direct sunlight.
Supplemental artificial lightening may be provided to enhance the growth of plants and many types of plants may be grown under such condition