Production Department

Apparel Industry Management 3(3+0)

Lesson 14 :Major Departments in an Apparel Industry

Production Department

In a large, more sophisticated environment the production department has three main groups of functions:

  1. Manufacturing
  2. Service
  3. Control.
  1. Manufacturing Functions:
    These are concerned with the actual production of garments and include;
    • Cutting room,
    • Sewing room,
    • Pressing room,
    • Finishing,
    • Final inspection,
    • Packing.
  2. Service Functions:
    While the service sections mainly assist the production department, they also extend their services to other departments within the organization. The main service departments are;
    • Production engineering,
    • Personnel and Training,
    • Machinery and Equipment maintenance,
    • General maintenance,
    • Technical stores.
  3. Control functions:
    These cover control services, which provide production management with regular and up to date information on the overall and detailed performance of the factory. The main control functions are:
    • Production Planning,
    • Budgetary control,
    • Quality control.
Last modified: Thursday, 17 May 2012, 11:05 AM