Track and Trace Systems for Garment Manufacturing Sector
In scope of the requirement for several ecological, eco-labelling systems for transparency in the Textile Supply Chain, it has been shown in practice that in many cases the searching of producers or business units backwards is difficult or impossible, say Rossitza Krueger, Prof Christo Petrov and Margarita Neznakomova, who present a new solution of documentation of standards and certifications.
A solution for identifying of such small and so many parts as the parts of the cloth could be the present Track and Trace systems and their adaptation for the purpose of the garment manufacturers' own tracing back of suppliers in the Textile Supply Chain. The problems which occur are temporary (the goods are produced long time ago or the business connections do not more exist) or the companies involved are not willing to make their procurement structures public. It was found that even if co-operation is possible and there is a system to document the origin of each part of the garment, mostly based on invoices and bill of dispatches; New problems occur related to the use of this gathered information for the purposes of the exact identification and separation from old deliveries and times of production.
Any way of marking of parts of the cloth will help on stage of the assembling of the different parts for their unique recognition. This is very important from the point of view of many ecological programmes where the requirements for “Clean production” and “Clean products” embrace all members in the Textile Supply Chain.