Tricot comes from the French word tricoter, meaning “to knit.” Tricot is used as a generic name for all warp-knit fabrics; specifically, when produced on the tricot machine using the plain jersey stitch. Fabrics are called jersey, tricot or tricot jersey. Fabrics are characterized by lengthwise wales on the face and diagonal cross yarns or underlaps on the back.
Traditionally tricot fabrics are made of fine, thin filament yarns and find their use in lingerie fabric. They can be made using latch, spring-beard, or compound needles. The guide bar controls the placement of each yarn while the presser bar helps control the closing of each needle and the sinker helps to control the movement of formed loops and fabric. Fabric is produced on these machines using spring bearded needle. Tricot knits are identified as single; two-; three-; and four or more bar tricots depending on the number of yarns and guide bars used in forming the interlooping patterns.