Select start à Programs à sonic foundry à sound forge 7.0. It is display the opening page of the document with the default menus and select Ctrl + N or File Menu à New. It will display the window with the following options.
It will display the sample rate (frequency) of the sound i.e. 44,100, 8,000, 11,025 etc in Hertz’s. The frequency of the sound i.e. No. of cycles per second is measured in Hertz’s. Hertz is the scientist who had discovered the unit of the sound. It is also measured in the form of Decibels. But decibels are the old unit for sound. With the invention of the Digital format the unit has been changed to Hertz’s. Select 44,100 and bit-depth as 16 bit and 32 bit. Previous versions of windows i.e. win 3.2 are 16 bit operating systems and the Win 9x family (i.e. Win 95, 98, me) are 32 bit operating systems. But the Win Xp is 64 bit operating system. So we can select the default bit rate as 16 –bit. Select channels as Mono or stereo if we are editing Mono audio select Mono and vice versa. Click on to ok. It will display the following fig.

The above fig shows the window in which sound or audio file of different formats like Mp3, Wav etc can be imported and edited.
Editing is the process in which we can mix one sound to another to create the multiple sounds which can be played at once. Select file à open or press ‘Ctrl +o’ to open a sound or audio file. The following fig. illustrates the process which is being taking place in importing an Mp3 sound file format.

It is showing ‘Building Peaks’ and down a process of building peaks of sound pieces and the corresponding percentage could be seen. At the left side it displays a ‘Spectrum Analysis window’ which shows the spectrum when the sound is playing. This analyzer is seen only from the Sound forge 7.0.To play the sound press ‘Space Bar’ from Key board. We can see the analyzer is moving along the sound while playing. The following fig. illustrates this effect.

It also a displays disturbance like’ Wave’ to the corresponding Wave length depending up on the sound wave frequency. We can also observe a cursor moving on this wave length while the sound is playing. Press space bar to pause and play the sound.
Ways to Cut and Edit Sound: - Drag and select any portions of the sound while playing and right click and select copy or cut. Select New empty sound file File à New and click or select paste or CTRL+V and play it (space bar).In this way we can edit or cut any portion of audio and we can play it in another file.
In the same way we can also import any new sound file which was being cut form another sound file, can be pasted in the middle or at the starting and ending of the current audio file and play it.
Effects in Sound File in Sound Forge 7.0 :- Effects can be applied to any portion of sound wave by choosing Effects Menu à
- Acoustic Mirror
- Amplitude modulation
- Chorus
- Delay / Echo
- Distortion
- Dynamics
- Envelope
- Flange
- Gapper / Spinner
- Noise gate
- Pitch
- Reverb
- Vibrato
- Wave Hammer
Select any effect to apply it to the selected portion of the sound file. The following fig. illustrates the chorus effect to the wave file.