Audio Video Recording And Editing 4(1+3)
Lesson 07: Softwares required in sound recording and sound effects
Sound Booth
Sound Booth Plus Digital Language Lab - Presentation Transcript
- Soundbooth Plus is a software solution which transforms any ICT Suite into a language lab, all you need is the Soundbooth Plus teacher and student component and headsets with a microphone, and it can be installed and operational within a day. It uses technology that modern students use on a daily basis and find stimulating and motivational. Any IT Suite with the addition of headsets becomes a language lab Develops the four skills of language learning Can be used with any language Students can access language lessons at school and at home Live classroom monitoring of individuals or groups Live classroom communication with individuals or groups Utilises existing resources: audio, text books, worksheets and graphics Suitable for all ages. All student work is saved as mp3 files or web pages for easy assessment | Listening – Speaking – Reading – Writing
- Teacher Console The Teacher Console of Soundbooth Plus not only provides a personal communication tool for each student but also enables a teacher to monitor the activities of every student in the class. Students select the teacher they are working with, enabling a number of classes to be run concurrently. Alternatively, self-study can be selected. A student can call the teacher and vice versa. If a teacher is busy talking to another student the student call buttons display a busy sign, so that students know that they may have to wait for an answer. The teacher is always notified of any call. This student is This student is listening Teacher is listening anonymously to a recording to an audio track student recording live Names of student Lesson Item number a Teacher speaking Student called logged in to a student has student is with a group of 3 teacher who was teacher selected working on students busy at the time
- Student Console Items, up to 36 in one The student console gives students lesson, are stored on access to lessons created by teachers the school network and it can be used in the classroom and at home Lessons are available for self study or the student can choose to connect to any teacher who is logged in An item can contain text, graphics and allow both audio and All student work is saved automatically written input from a as mp3’s or web pages student Once logged in Teachers can listen in to students, speak to them directly or have live answer and question sessions which can be recorded by each student The audio track uses existing recordings or recordings made by Students can playback existing the teacher audio tracks, record their own voice and play back the combined track. Lessons are selected using this drop-down Students can call and speak to the box teacher
- Grouping The most flexible and friendly grouping feature available in any language lab solution Teacher can quickly create, monitor, re-arrange and communicate with groups Quick and simple functionality via right mouse button and drag & drop Teachers area able to easily group together Students be assigned to a new Once grouped together the students on the console by selecting them group by a simple drag and drop Teacher can monitor and speak and clicking the right mouse button. to the group collectively
- Virtual Keyboard The Soundbooth Plus Virtual keyboard can be used without the need to install the target language on the students PC. The virtual keyboard gives students access to letters and accents without having to remember complicated keyboard shortcuts. To make it even simpler students are able to use their physical keyboard in conjunction with the virtual keyboard. Languages available: French, German, Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian, Pinyin and Cymraeg. It is a relatively simple procedure to add additional languages so please let us know if you have any specific requirements via
- Content Creation Content is created Content for Soundbooth Plus is using a simple created by repurposing existing editor provided with language resource used by teachers templates. Full and Full and in schools ongoing training is provided for all staff Scanned images, photos and existing graphics from worksheets can be added very easily to enhance lessons Text boxes, drop- We have a library of over 100GB of down menus and audio which over the years we have selection buttons can be inserted for digitised and indexed, this is student responses available for use within Soundbooth Plus We also provide a subsidised Inserting a blank content creation service for audio track allows a customers to help them get started teacher to ask a question of the with Soundbooth Plus. whole class and for each student to This comprises of one or two days record their own onsite for storyboarding and five to answer ten days offsite to create the content itself.
- Assesment Module (optional) Now available in the latest Soundbooth product, Soundbooth Plus Connect is an assement module that allows the teacher to track students progress through lessons and leave comments for them. We believe this new feature will help teachers track their students ongoing progress through the Soundbooth modules and equally will offer a new level of guidance to the students themselves The Student is then able to read and listen to teachers comments They also have a summary of these at the end of each lesson The Teacher has a module On any item within the which allows them to easily lesson a teacher can leave assess their students written and/or recorded progress comments
- The Complete Solution School Soundbooth Plus allows the school to give every student Soundbooth for use at home; this can be a copy on CD or a USB Stick or, alternatively, via the schools Virtual Learning Environment. Even if the school has only purchased a single lab of Soundbooth Plus every language student in the school can benefit as teachers can create lessons using any web editor and students can access the lessons at home. Language teaching within a classroom setting often requires teachers to spend lots of time Teacher with individual students for the purposes of assessment. Soundbooth Plus frees up the teacher’s time for teaching as it allows them to test and monitor students simultaneously. As the students’ work is saved individually the teacher can then mark it at a time of their own choosing. Student Student Once students are logged in they are able to access any lesson created by the teacher. A lesson can have up to 36 items. Lesson items can include text, audio, images and graphics, tables for layout, text boxes, selection buttons, check boxes and drop-down boxes. Items containing text, graphics and audio recordings are viewed by students who can record themselves and can also enter text or make selections. All work is saved as either web pages or mp3 files. Codework Limited Lansdowne House, 85 Buxton Road, Stockport, SK2 6LR Phone: 0161 474 0444 Fax: 0161 474 0787 Email: Web:


