Loading Power Point

Designing Information Material 4(1+3)

Lesson 10 : Preparing Slides for Presentation Using Ppt

Loading Power Point

Microsoft Windows 95 and Microsoft PowerPoint 97 have to be installed on your hard disk for running PowerPoint. The following steps are required to be carried out for invoking Microsoft PowerPoint.

  • Click on the Start button (which shows a symbol of Microsoft Windows)
  • Point on Programs group icon
  • In the corresponding list, point on Microsoft Office group icon and within it click on Microsoft PowerPoint.

Opening New/Blank Presentation
In the window you can view the PowerPoint program. This window is called the application window as it contains the PowerPoint program's main options and commands.

To create a new presentation
Click on 'Bland presentation' option. Then click on the 'OK' button. The layout dialog box will be displayed.
Microsoft PowerPoint by default selects the first Auto layout. This is the title slide. Click on the 'OK' button to open a blank presentation.

Creating slides
After opening a new presentation, a blank slide is automatically created with the name as 'Presentation '. Now that we have seen how to create a blank presentation, we shall also see how to enter some text in the slides.

  • In the presentation window Click on title place holder.
    The cursor will change to an I-beam. This pointer appears whenever you enter or edit text. The title placeholder is outlined to indicate that it has been selected.
  • Type the title ‘A presentation on myself’.
  • Click outside the title placeholder to view the title you have typed. While you are within the title placeholder box, do not press <Enter> key, as it will add a new line to the title placeholder.
  • Click on the New Slide ... option 111 the Common task.
    The layout dialog box will be displayed. By default, the 'Bulleted List' is selected.
  • Click the Title Slide , Click OK
    The description of each layout is displayed in a box in the right bottom corner of the layout dialog box.
  • Type your name in the title place holder.
  • Repeat steps 4 and 5 to insert a new slide.
  • Type 'Address' in the title placeholder and your address in the text box. Do not type the quotation marks.
  • Click on the New Slide option in the Common Tool bar.
  • Click the Bulleted List Slide. Click OK
  • Type 'Favorite Subjects' in the title placeholder and type four of your favorite subjects the bulleted list text box. Do not type the quotation marks.
  • Repeat steps 9 and 10 to insert a new slide.
  • Type 'Hobbies' in the title placeholder and type any four of your hobbies in the bulleted list placeholder. Do not type the quotation marks.
  • Repeat steps 9 and 10 to insert a new slide.
  • Type 'Favorite Sports' in the tile placeholder and type four of your favorite sports in the bulleted list placeholder. Do not type the quotation marks.
    Each slide can be viewed at a time, page by page. This can be done as follows:
  • Click on the 'View' option from the menu bar.
  • Click on the Slide Sorter option
  • The slides will all the displayed together

Saving a Presentation
We have learnt to create and insert slides using the title slide and bulleted list layout. To save the presentation the steps given below have to be followed.

  • Click on File main menu option
  • Click on the Save As command button. This opens the Save As dialog box. You can change the current drive and directory to the drive and directory in which you want to save your presentation.
  • In the File Name text box, type mypres 1. The file name extension need not be included. PowerPoint automatically adds the extension PPT to your presentation file name.
  • Click the 'Save' button to save it as 'myself ppt'

Closing a presentation
It is advisable to close the first and then your application. The procedure for closing a presentation file is as follows:

  • Click on file main menu option
  • Click on the close command

The presentation is closed and only the application window and the common task window is left on the screen.

Opening an Existing Presentation
Load PowerPoint (if not open) as per the steps given for loading power point in and open now presentation. Follows the steps given below:

  • Click on File main menu option
  • Click on the Open command
  • Microsoft PowerPoint displays the dialog box.
  • Select the filename
  • Click on the Open button to open
Last modified: Monday, 30 April 2012, 8:12 AM