Innovation – Decision Period

Lesson 35 : Discontinuance

InnovationDecision Period

The innovationdecision period is the length of time required to pass through the innovationdecision process. The time period between awareness-knowledge of an innovation and decision of an individual to adopt or reject is measured in days, months, or years. This period that is hearing about a new idea till the final decision to adopt or reject is the innovation decision period. Earlier adopters have a shorter innovationdecision period than later adopter. Which means that not much time is required between hearing about the innovation to either adoption or rejection? The Innovation-decision period will vary with the type of innovation as well as the individual who is adopting the innovation.

How the characteristics of the innovation and that of the individual influence the early or late adoption will be discussed in the next class.

Last modified: Friday, 27 January 2012, 11:10 AM