The dictionary meaning of technology refers to a technical method of achieving a practical purpose and therefore, the word technology can be interpreted as application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. Different authors have defined technology as tools invented, produced and used by the people to benefit them. Dass (1981) enumerated that technology should be understood not only as a device but as an amalgam of skills, methods, techniques, appliances and equipments that can contribute towards solving the basic socio-economic problems of the concerned communities.
In context to above discussion the homestead technologies can be viewed as a complex blend of scientific information, materials, technical methods and processes that require the art of systematically using them for improving skill and task performance. The house hold technologies usually have two important components, namely the hardware aspect that consists of tools or materials as physical objects like pealer, pressure cooker, grain storage bin etc. and the software aspect that consists of information base for the hardware aspect regarding its use, availability, cost, maintenance etc. both these aspects play complimentary role in transferring homestead technologies to rural women.
Last modified: Wednesday, 1 February 2012, 7:32 AM