Actuality, Animation, Demonstration Programmes

Electronic Journalism

Lesson 12 : Programmes on TV

Actuality, Animation, Demonstration Programmes

Actuality: In this type of formats, the audience sees and hears people in the undertaking being discussed, the programmes may be introduced by a host, but from then on rather than interviewing people in programmes cuts directly to the people involved for example child labors working in a fire work’s factory.

Animation: Here a series of still drawings or individual shots are combined to give the illusion of movement 25 separate pictures can make one picture showing full animation per second. Making animation is time consuming and expensive also as each frame of the film has to be shot separately.

Demonstration: Demonstration of recipes, other articles or working of equipment or any other machines often from the part of TV programmes. These could be studio or on the field demonstrations.

Last modified: Friday, 30 March 2012, 9:24 AM