Integrated Design Software or Authoring tools

Lesson 7 : Softwares for Producing Multimedia and Interface Elements

Integrated Design Software or Authoring tools

Multimedia authoring tools are tools which organize and edit the multimedia project. These tools are required to design the user interface for presenting the project to the learner. In other words, these tools are used to assemble various elements to make a single presentation. We can compose comprehensive videos and animations with these tools. There are four basic type of authoring tools viz. Page-based tools (like Tool book, Visual Basic), Icon based tools
(like Authorware), Time based tools (like Macromedia Director) and Object Oriented tools (like Media Forge).

Page-based tools organize elements as pages of a book. These tools are used when the content of the project consists of elements that can be viewed individually. These tools organize them in a user-defined sequential form.
Icon based tools
organize elements as objects. These tools display the flow diagrams of activities along with branching paths.
Time based tools
organize the elements along a time-line. These tools play back the sequentially organized graphic frames at user-set speed and time.
Object oriented tools
organize the elements in a hierarchical order as related “objects”. These tools make these objects perform according to properties assigned to them.

Macromedia Authorware (Icon based) has a visual interface, which one has to simply drag and
drop icons to create an application. There is no need to be a programmer to use this software as it has an interactive design. Authorware provides direct support for graphics and animations made in Flash. Authorware can capture and integrate animations and video made in different programmes like Flash and QuickTime. It can integrate sound into the project in order to enhance the effect. It has an antialiasing feature which smoothes out the edges of text and graphics. Authorware has built-in templates which give you flexibility and convenience while developing the project. One can easily learn about basic authoring, editing and publishing ways with the help of a multimedia tutorial which is built-in with this software.

Macromedia Director (Time based) is a multimedia authoring application capable of producing animations, presentations and movies. It provides a wide range of possibilities for integrating different multimedia elements. It supports inputs from programs like Shockwave, Photoshop and Premiere. It has applications in building professional multimedia presentations. One can also integrate Real Audio and Real Video in Director projects. Compatibility of Director with other packages means that one can use ones favorite tools and software to create content for their project and then bring that content into Director for authoring.

Last modified: Tuesday, 22 November 2011, 12:27 PM