Organization training

Lesson 2:Types of Training

Organization training

There are two types of training's in organizations-Pre-service and In-service.

  1. Pre-Service training: It is a process through which individuals are made ready to enter a certain kind of professional job, as in agriculture, medicine or engineering. The prerequisite to this is to attend regular classes in a formal institution and need to complete a definite curriculum and courses successfully and receive a formal degree or diploma.
  2. In-service training:
    • Induction or orientation training: It is a training programme organized to induct a new employee into the new social setting of his work. The employee
        1. Is introduced to his job situation and his colleagues
        2. Is taught the rules, working conditions, objectives and activities of the organization
        3. Is provided with a handbook which contains the details of operations, methods and means etc.

      This can be conducted in two phases:
      Phase I-
      Induction is done by the personnel department which supplies to the new employees all sorts of information relating to the company.
      Phase II
      - The supervisor of the department to which the employee is appointed inducts the training as he has the responsibility of seeing both the new comer and the work team accept each other.

    • Foundation Training: This training is usually given at an early stage of service to lay a strong foundation when the employees are starting their service. Employees are trained in administrative rules and responsibilities, leadership ability, communication skills, report writing, management of cooperation and coordination linkages etc.
    • On Job training: The objective of this programme is to increase the knowledge of workers about the jobs with which they are concerned, so that their efficiency and skill performance are improved. On job trainees are enabled to learn correct methods of handling machines and equipment, avoiding accidents, removing bottle necks, minimizing waste, etc.
    • Promotional training: This is the training given to the existing employees who are promoted to higher levels, as there will be a change in their job chart and responsibilities.
    • Refresher training: At the time of initial appointment, employees are formally trained. But with the passage of time certain things may be forgotten or there may be improvisations in methods due to technological development. In such cases refresher training will be arranged for the existing employees in order to provide them an opportunity to revive and also to improve their knowledge. They are designed to avoid personnel obsolescence.
    • Summer schools and winter schools: These programmes are to give a specialized training to the employees in a specific area in a reputed organization. The skills of the employees are upgraded to meet the present demand. These are usually organized for teaching faculty and scientists during the said two seasons.
Last modified: Friday, 21 October 2011, 7:19 AM