Extension trainings

Lesson 2:Types of Training

Extension trainings

  1. Institutional training: It refers to the training organized in a training institution, which is also known as on-campus training as this is organized away from field location. They can be Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), Colleges, Farmers’ Training Centers (FTC), Extension Education Institutions (EEI) etc. This type of training is more formal in nature and has the following advantages.
      • The learners are away from home in a hostel with the sole purpose of attending training. Thus they remain more attentive, regular and can devote enough time to training.
      • The learners are exposed to related learning experiences through visits to demonstration plots, exposure to new technologies and interaction with scientists and fellow farmers.
      • The practical experiences are provided under favorable atmosphere by many resource persons.
  2. Non- institutional training: This type of training is also known as on farm or off campus training. The trainings are organized in real situations i.e., on the farmers’ field or home in a variety of ways where the trainees stay at home and come for training every day. Thus while attending the training, they can also attend their personal responsibilities at home and farm. But this has the following limitations.
      • Learners may miss few sessions or tend to be irregular in attending the sessions
      • Learners may come late and leave early on account of work at home and farm
      • Learners may not be attentive due to diverse and psychological barriers.
  3. Comprehensive training: In this approach both institutional and on farm trainings are integrated, i.e., trainings are organized both in the institutions and in the villages. This is found to be an effective approach which is mostly used by the extension organizations.
Last modified: Friday, 21 October 2011, 7:18 AM