Comparison of six strategies


Comparison of six strategies



Characteristic Methods


Action steps


Transmitting content and increasing understanding

Lecture Seminar Individual reading

Content and understanding can be passed on from those who know to those who are ignorant.
Such knowledge and understanding can be translated into practice.

Building a syllabus to be covered in the programme examination to test retained knowledge and understanding


Process of function and change process of learning

Isolation Free exploration and discussion Experimentation

It is useful and possible to pay attention to psychological factors of separate attention. Understanding of won and others behaviour helps in job performance.

Unfreezing participants from their usual expectations and norms.
Helping participants to see and help others to see their own behaviour and develop new habits.


Practice of specific skill

Work on the job Under supervision. Detailed job Analysis and practice with aids.

Improvement in particular skill leads to better job performance. Production and training can be combined rather simply

Analyzing skill and dividing it into parts. Preparing practice tasks, standards and aids.


Sufficient skills to ensure Organizational action

Sufficient skills to ensure organizational

Working in the field develops people.
Individual skills and organizational needs will fit together.

Preparation of field programmes.
Participation according to schedule.

Person development

Improved individual competence in a wide variety of tasks and situations.

Improved individual competence in a wide variety of tasks and situations.

Training in job requirements with emphasis on process will help participants develop general skills and understanding.
Organization will support individuals in using understanding and skills acquired.

Identifying training needs. Preparing simulated data

Organization development

Organizational improvement

Study of organizational needs work with small groups from the organization.

Attention to organizational needs as process develops understanding.
Organizational change will result in individual change.

Survey of organizational needs.
Determining strategic grouping for training. Working on organization requirements.

Last modified: Friday, 21 October 2011, 9:49 AM