Gender and Forestry

Women in Agriculture

Lesson 30 : Gender Issues In Agriculture and Allied Sectors

Gender and Forestry

In relation to forest and forest products men and women have different roles and responsibilities which vary region to region or between the communities. Women mainly depend on forest for biomass for subsistence and income. Both men and women are also involved in forest work as labourers while women tend to be preferred for certain operations, they often get lower wages than men for similar work.

Gender roles in fishing communities
There are number of roles performed by men and women in fishing communities and the gender division of labourer is context specific. However women are involved in pre harvest, harvest and post harvest activities of fishing. Men on the other hand are mainly involved in building and maintaining boats and going out frequently to fish in the deep seas an activity considered dangerous for women. Women are mainly involved in drying and storing of fish.

Last modified: Tuesday, 3 July 2012, 12:08 PM