Gender, ICT and Media

Women in Agriculture

Lesson 30 : Gender Issues In Agriculture and Allied Sectors

Gender, ICT and Media

Physical access to information and communication infrastructure in generally lower in rural areas and more women live in rural areas than men. Social and cultural norms restrict women’s mobility particularly young girls who may not feel comfortable going to telephone booth or cyber café. Rural girls are also less likely to opt for science, technology and engineering studies. Lack of literacy, skill and educational opportunities are perhaps the biggest barriers for rural girls. Poverty and financial constraints cut across all the above factors.

More women are involved in careers in the communications sector, but few have attained positions at the decision-making level or serve on governing boards and bodies that influence media policy. The lack of gender sensitivity in the media is evidenced by the failure to eliminate then gender based stereotyping that can be found in public and private local, national and international media organizations. Also the major issue in development of women is the portrayal of stereotype roles and independent representation of women in the electronic and print media.

Last modified: Tuesday, 3 July 2012, 12:13 PM