2.1.3.Types of Communication

2.1.3.Types of communication

1. Verbal communication

It includes listening, speaking reading and writing

2. Non verbal communication

Communication without language is known as nonverbal. It is also known as gestural communication. This includes gestures, facial expressions, etc., which make communication more effective.

3. Intra personal communication

It occurs within ourselves and continuous as long as we are alive.

4. Small group communication

In Mutual conversation between five to ten people. It may be formal or informal.

5. Mass communication

It is a communication system in which an identical message is originated by an institutional organization and sent to a large number of receiver through public channels (TV, Radio, Newspaper, Magasines, Film, Internet)

6. Dyadic communication

In dyadic communication, two individuals communicate with each other.

7. Interpersonal communication

Interpersonal communication most commonly occurs in face to face situations, where we can see, hear and even touch the other person or persons.

8. Public speaking

One person addresses a large audience. Public speaking is mostly one way from the speaker to audience. Messages are conveyed by the speaker and received by the audience.

Last modified: Thursday, 21 June 2012, 5:10 AM