2.2.11 Gestures

2.2.11 Gestures

Gestures are another important sign of noverbal communication. Gestures are very common in our life and they are the natural movements of our body,especially,head,shoulders and hands.

Some of the gestures and their meanings are giver below:

A handing head or a hand signifies boredom, restlessness, ot tiredness. It may also indicate frustration or disgust.

  • Picking something, biting nails or suckings fingers show that the person is uneasy and nervous.
  • Raising a hand in a classroom, a meeting or a seminar, or at a gathering means that the person wants the attention of the speaker.
  • Pointing index finger means the indication of a particular direction. It may also indicate authority and domination.
  • Covering the mouth may indicate that the person is either unsure of what he is saying or suppressing his feelings.
  • If a person rubs his eyes, it may mean that he is in doubt or trying to deceive.
  • Patting on the back of someone means encouraging that person.
  • Hands on hips generally may indicate an aggressive attitude or readiness and ability to do a job.
Last modified: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, 9:58 AM