8.1.6.Dive positions

Unit - 8

8.1.6.Dive positions
During the flight of the dive, one of the four positions may be specified:
  • Straight - with no bend at the knees or hips (the hardest of the three)
  • Pike - with knees straight but a tight bend at the hips (the median in difficulty of the three.) The open pike is a variant where the arms are reached to the side, and the legs are brought straight out with a bend in the hips.
  • Tuck - body folded up in a tight ball, hands holding the shins and toes pointed.(the easiest of the three)
  • Free - it is a common misconception that the free position is any sequence of the three other positions, although the free position is only for twisting dives, implying that the diver may for example bend their legs or curve at the waist, and points will not be deducted for doing so.
These positions are referred to by the letters A, B,C and D respectively.

Difficulty is rated according to the Degree of Difficulty of the dives. Some divers may find pike easier in a flip than tuck, and most find straight the easiest in a front/back dive, although it is still rated the most difficult because of the risk of over rotation.

Last modified: Friday, 16 September 2011, 9:41 AM