4.12.4. Nauplius III

4.12.4. Nauplius III

MIL: 0.31 mm (0.29-0,32mm); MW: 0.16 mm (0.14-0.17 mm); MFS: 0.14mm (0.13-0.15 mm).

No appreciable increase in body measurements; furcal lobes each with 3 setae of which innermost very small and slightly ventrally placed and hence not clearly visible in dorsal view; no increase in number of setae on appendages; among A1 setae inner terminal seta longer and outer terminal seta shorter than in nauplius II; rudimentary setae at tip of A2 exopod and endopod in nauplius II has become longer and plumose. Duration of this sub stage is 6 to 8 hours.

Last modified: Monday, 19 December 2011, 9:38 AM