3.6.1.a. Injection of brooders

Unit 3 - Breeding of major carps

3.6.1.a. Injection of brooders

1. Intra-muscular injection

  • It is administered into the muscle on the caudal peduncle or behind the dorsal fin, but above the lateral line.
  • It is most effective, convenient, simple and less risky.
  • It is widely practised.

2. Intra-peritoneal injection

  • It is give through the soft regions of the body, generally at the base of the pelvic fin or the pectoral fin.
  • It is risky as it may damage the goads or liver.

3. Intra-cranial injection

  • In this method, the injection is given through the cranium and is also risky as it may damage the brain.
  • The pituitary extract is administered through a glass or disposable syringe, 2.0 ml capacity, having 0.1 ml graduation.
  • The size of the needle depends upon the weight of the brooder to be injected.
  • Needle number 22 is used for fish weighing 1-3 kg, No. 19 for larger fish and No. 24 for smaller fish.
  • Intra-muscular injection is commonly practiced.
  • The hormone injection (pituitary/ovaprim/ovatide) is given at the caudal peduncle region in between posterior end of dorsal fin and base of caudal fin, above the lateral line, avoiding the lateral line.

    Collection of brooders for injection Selection of catla brooder for injection

    Collection of brooders for injection Selection of catla brooder for injection

Last modified: Thursday, 9 June 2011, 10:53 AM