Based on the mode of life

Based on the mode of life

Based on the mode of life i.e. whether they inhabit on the surface and on the substratum or into the substratum, benthic organisms are divided into epifauna and infauna. Epifaunal organisms are those that animals which live on the substratum, the infaunal organisms are those that animals live into the substratum. These terms are applied regardless of whether the bottom sediment is unconsolidated (soft) or hard rock. Organisms that penetrate or burrow into the unconsolidated bottom sediments are called burrowers, where as organisms those that penetrate or bore the hard rock or substrate materials are called borers, These organisms exhibit a variety of feeding behaviour, some scavenge across the substrate or bottom for organic debris, some are aggressive carnivores, others plough through the bottom sediments and ingesting unselectively, still others burrow into the sediment and take in food through a filtering system of inhalant and exhalent siphons (bivalves, Scrobicularia sp, and Teredo sp.).

Last modified: Tuesday, 22 November 2011, 10:28 AM