Solen lamarckll

Solen lamarckll

Species: S.lamarckll

Family : Solenidae

Common Name : Razor shell

Habitat : Sandy bottom of shallow waters

Description: A fairly large form; shell equivalve, almost rectangular. Nearly four to five times as long as high. Front margin truncated and slightly sloping. Single hinge tooth in each valve, close behind the front margin. Valves gaping at each end. The front end of empty shells when together form a heart shaped opening. Through this opening the hinge tooth of the right valve is clearly visible from the front end. Colour cream to brown with numerous purplish-brown lines running parallel and diverging at right angles. Periostracum is yellowish brown, Typically marine.

Considered the most perfect example for adaptation for the burrowing mode of life among mollusks. with smooth, narrow, long and straight sided, they are extremely agile and burrow to safety very rapidly. They use their special muscular foot to do so. During burrowing the foot is driven into the sand. Blood is then pumped down into the foot causing it to swell. Using this swollen part as an anchor, the foot then contracts sharply and pulls down the shell. By rapidly repeating this action the razor clams can burrow at an amazing speed.

Size : 150 mm. 
Last modified: Wednesday, 27 June 2012, 5:44 AM