6.2.4.Culture of Tubifex

Unit 6 - Microworms

6.2.4.Culture of Tubifex
Tubifex can be easily cultured on mass scale in containers with 50 to 75 mm thick pond mud at the bottom, blended with decaying vegetable matter and masses of bran and bread. Continuous mild water flow is to be maintained in the container, with a suitable drainage system. After the arrangement of the system, the container is inoculated with Tubifex worm which can be obtained from nearby muddy canals or sewage canals. Within 15 days, clusters of Tubifex worm develop and this can be removed with mud in masses by means of a spade and kept in large wide mouth plastic container. When worms will come to the surface due to lack of oxygen, they are collected and washed under brisk stream of water to remove residual mud attached to the body. Since their guts still may contain mud which they have eaten it is necessary that they are kept long enough under stream of water for the mud to be evacuated from the intestine. After proper cleaning only, the worms are fed to the fish.

Last modified: Tuesday, 30 August 2011, 11:19 AM