4.1.9. Nutrition Overview

4.1.9. Nutrition Overview

The study of nutrition is the practical application of our knowledge of the physiology of digestion and metabolism. Aquaculture is gaining recognition as a way of increasing the supply of high quality human food. In order to grow animals efficiently, we must understand their nutrition. There are key differences between fish and terrestrial farm animals that are advantageous for fish farmers and other differences that are a liability. Fish can have feed conversion ratios (dry weight of feed fed/dry weight of gain) of less than 2, which are some of the highest feed conversion ratios in animal agriculture. This efficiency in the conversion of food to flesh is advantageous. On the other hand, many fish require expensive, protein rich diets that negate any advantage in feed conversion. The physiological reasons behind the advantages and disadvantages are explained below.

Last modified: Monday, 2 January 2012, 7:09 AM