5.1.1. Introduction

5.1.1. Introduction

The organism can be taken to be open system, suitably walked off from its milieu, through which energy flow by appropriate entrances and exist . The organism uses their energy to maintain and extend its being. The energy comes from environment and further the environment sets to a large degree the condition which organisms uses the energy, it has assimilated but all the organisms have regulatory power and bargain with environment in regard to extend make use of energy they have gained. Such bargaining involves the use of some energy for regulation against the environment to tree the rest for the organism's other activities.

The classical work on the morphological and physiological responses of animals to stress is undoubtedly that pioneered by selye work that originated from an interest in medical physiology. "Stress" is defined in terms of the response of the animal with the stimulus being referred to as the stressor. The components of this response are collectively known as the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) which can be divided on a temporal basis into stages of alarm. It also been demonstrated by schereck who presence evidence to show that dimination of "awareness" reduces the magnitudes of the physiological stress response.

Last modified: Monday, 2 January 2012, 9:13 AM