Extension Extension

Basic definitions related to extension are given as follows.

Planning Commission (1953) : Extension is a continuous process esigned to make the rural people aware of their problems and indicating to them ways and means by which they can solve them. It, thus, not only involves educating the rural people in determining their problems and the methods of solving them, but also inspiring them towards positive action in doing so.

Ensminger, D. (1957): Extension is an education and its purpose is to change the attitudes and practices of the people with whom the work is done.

Kelsey, L.D. and Hearne, C. C (1963) : Extension is an out-of-school system of education, in which adults and young people learn by doing. It is a partnership among the government, the Land Grant Colleges (farm colleges) and the people which provides services and education designed to meet the needs of the people.

Summary of the definitions

1. It is a non-formal education system.

2. It aims at socio-economic development of the individual and the community.

3. It provides linkage between extension personnel, researchers and clients(farmers and rural people).

4. It gathers, processes, stores and disseminates information.

5. It is people -oriented, knowledge- based and problem- focused.

Last modified: Friday, 9 March 2012, 7:52 AM