1.2.1 Principles of extension

1.2.1 Principles of extension 

Some general principles of extension work have been applied and tested in several societies. There are about 15 such principles which have general application in the field.  They are listed as follows.

1. Principle of grass root approach.

2. Principle of co-operation and participation.

3. Principle of voluntary education.

4. Principle of teaching methods.

5. Principle of local leaders.

6. Principle of trained specialists.

7. Principle of satisfaction.

8. Principle of whole family approach.

9. Principle of democratic approach.

10. Principle of cultural difference.

11. Principle of learning by doing and seeing is believing.

12. Principle of local resources.

13. Principle of need-based programme.

14. Principle of aided self help.

15. Principle of evaluation.

Last modified: Friday, 10 February 2012, 4:52 AM