The Phonetic Alphabet

The Phonetic Alphabet


If spelling becomes necessary (e.g. descriptive names, call signs, words that could be misunderstood) use the spelling table contained in the International Code of Signals, the Radio Regulations and the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases

(Hint – There is always a question on the phonetic alphabet and you will be using these throughout the course)
A - Alpha (AL fah)
B - Bravo (BRAH VOH)
C - Charlie (CHAR lee)
D - Delta (DELL tah)
E - Echo (ECK oh)
F - Foxtrot (FOKS trot)
G - Golf (GOLF)
H - Hotel (hoh TELL)
I - India (IN dee ah)
J - Juliet (JEW lee ETT)
K - Kilo (KEY loh)
L - Lima (LEE mah)
M - Mike (MIKE)
N - November (no VEM ber)
O - Oscar (OSS cah)
P - Papa (pah PAH)
Q - Quebec (keh BECK)
R - Romeo (ROW me oh)
S - Sierra (see AIR rah)
T - Tango (TANG go)
U - Uniform (YOU nee form)
V - Victor (VIK tah)
W - Whiskey (WISS key)
X - X Ray (ECKS RAY)
Y - Yankee (YANG key)
Z - Zulu (ZOO loo)

Last modified: Tuesday, 29 November 2011, 5:30 AM