Topic outline
Topic 1
Unit 1: Overview of Navigation and Seamanship
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Navigation and Seamanship and Types of Navigation
- Chapter 2: Earth and its coordinates
- Chapter 3: Celestial Navigation
- Chapter 4: Nautical Charts
Topic 2
Unit 2: Navigational Aids and Bearning instruments- Chapter 1: Magnetic Compass
- Chapter 2: Marine Sextant and Bearing instruments
Topic 3
Unit 3: Sounding and speed measuring- Chapter 1: Lead line and Echosounder
- Chapter 2: Speed logs
Topic 4
Unit 4: Signals and Aids to Navigation- Chapter 1: Rules of the Road
- Chapter 2: Navigational signals
- Chapter 3: Aids to Navigation
Topic 5
Unit 5: Sea Safety and Regulations- Chapter 1: Fire Fighting Methods
- Chapter 2: Life saving appliances
- Chapter 3: Manning Regulations for fishing vessels
Topic 6
Unit 6: Electronic Navigation- Chapter 1: Sonar and Net sonde
- Chapter 2: RADAR
- Chapter 3: Radio Navigation - Decca, LORAN, and omega Navigations
- Chapter 4: GPS - Global Positioning System
- Chapter 5: VHF - Marine Communication System
- Chapter 6: Radio Direction Finder
- Chapter 7: Autopilot-Automatic Steering System
- Chapter 8: EPIRB and SART
Topic 7
Unit 7: Seamanship
- Chapter 1: Action during standing
- Chapter 2: Badweather Preparation
Topic 8
P1. Nautical Charts - General DescriptionTopic 9
P2. Chart Reading - SymbolsTopic 13
P6. Magnetic compassTopic 15
P8. Position fixing by Horizontal Sextant Angle(HAS) and Vertical Sextant Angle(VSA)Topic 16
P10. Life saving applianceTopic 18
P12. Rope worksTopic 19
P13. Marine Communication System-Very High Frequency (VHF)