1.3.Water Pollution

Unit 1 : Classification of aquatic pollution

1.3.Water Pollution

Water pollution is one of the greatest concerns now a days the impact of which on aquatic life and human beings is significant. All land-based activities bring contaminants including oil and sand from roadways, agricultural chemicals from farmland and nutrients and toxic materials from urban and suburban areas. This runoff finds its way into aquatic environment (lakes, streams, rivers and sea).


The introduction by man,directly or indirectly, of substances or energy to the aquatic environment resulting in such deleterious effects as

  • Causing harm to living resources and life
  • Being hazardous to human health
  • Hindrance to human activities
  • Impairment of quality of the environmental resources
  • Reduction of amenities


The undesirable changes in the condition of water to the point where the potential of the water for a specific use is limited or impaired.
Last modified: Thursday, 9 June 2011, 10:46 AM