4.1.Pesticide Pollution

Unit 4 : Pesticide pollution

4.1.Pesticide Pollution
Plants, insects, bacteria, fungi and other organisms are a natural part of the environment. Some can benefit people in many ways. Some can also be pests that you may need or want to control. You can choose from many different methods to control a pest. One method is to use a pesticide.
There are currently about 10,000 products used world over. These products are used extensively in both commercial and domestic circumstances and in urban and rural environments.

  • Any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest.
  • A pesticide is any substance or mixture of substances used to destroy, suppress or alter the life cycle of any pest.
Why Pesticides are a Problem?
  • Break-down very slowly in soil, air, water and living organisms, and persist in the environment for long periods of time.
  • Concentrate in the food chain, building up to high levels in the tissues of all living creatures.
  • Travel long distances in global air and water currents and concentrate in high latitude, low-temperature regions of the globe.
  • Linked with serious health effects in human and other species including reproductive and developmental illnesses, immune suppression, nervous system disorders, cancers and hormone disruption.
Last modified: Friday, 10 June 2011, 8:41 AM