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Module 14. Dairy development in India phases and schemes
Lesson 27
27.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the food Aid obtained by India from different countries and other world bodies to support its dairy development activities.
27.2 Food Aids
India obtained food aid as free gift in the form of dairy products from food & Agricultural organization (FAO) and European Economic Community (EEC). This was utilized for the development of dairy sector of India.
Generally a food aid has three important uses.
1. In case of natural disasters like flood, earthquake, draught etc., food aid can be provided. This food aid will provide emergency relief. It helps the effected population until a disaster hit area regains normally.
2. Food aid may also be used for medium and long term alleviation of hunger and malnutrition.
3. The best use of food aid can be done by recipient by using the food aid for further production, processing and marketing of food Products. This will help in continuous generation of funds and eliminate the need for aid in future. India through the operation flood programme wisely used the food aid she received by this third mode.
Apart from this special food aid, foreign aid for variety of projects was obtained by India in a planned manner after independence. This foreign aid either in kind or cash is obtained by various ministries of Government of India from interested embassies.
The foreign aid obtained by India for various projects can be classified as under.
1. Aid in the form of surplus dairy products.
2. Supply of plant and machinery and stainless steel.
3. Providing credit facilities.
4. Conducting training courses on dairy and animal husbandry.
5. Providing service of experts from FAO & other organization whenever required.
6. Supply of specialized equipment of laboratory.
7. Sponsoring Indian dairy personnel for admissions as well as for attending trainings abroad.
8. Giving Pedigree cows and bulls.
2. Supply of plant and machinery and stainless steel.
3. Providing credit facilities.
4. Conducting training courses on dairy and animal husbandry.
5. Providing service of experts from FAO & other organization whenever required.
6. Supply of specialized equipment of laboratory.
7. Sponsoring Indian dairy personnel for admissions as well as for attending trainings abroad.
8. Giving Pedigree cows and bulls.
27.2.1 Forms of aid
- Donation of surplus Dairy Products: India was importing some dairy products under foreign exchange programme. India obtained skim milk powder / Non fat dry milk used to prepare tonned milk. UNICEF started a programme for feeding undernourished school children with reconstituted skim milk. Co-operative for American Relief to Every where (CARE) also joined this UNICEF programme. Milk powder was also received from Colombo plan countries for the same purpose. (Colombo Plan Countries Include Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, United Kingdom and United States of America). Adhoc aid was received from several countries in times of famine.
- Supply of Plant and Machinery: UNICEF, Colombo Plan countries & USA gave most useful aid in the farm of plant and machinery for one of the major dairy project in India. They also provided all the necessary technical assistance to start and operate this machinery. UNICEF supplied plant and machinery for dairies at Ahmedabad, Anand, Bombay, Banglore, Vijaywada, Teaching dairy at the Aarey milk colony & some other Places. UNICEF aid had an excellent built in welfare objectives. For example whenever any state government run project receives plant and machinery, then the respective state government is also required to provide similar contribution either as subsidy in price or distribute milk to school children and low income groups in the area served by the dairy. Such an arrangement proved to be extremely useful health building socio-nutritional programme. New Zealand provided machinery for the New Delhi projects and donated a 120 room hostel for dairy students at Aarey milk colony, Bombay. UK and Australia jointly gave dairy equipments, refrigerated milk distributing equipment and feed mix equipment worth Rs. 47 million. USA gave dairy machinery & equipments worth Rs. 45 million.
- Credit facilities: Bulgaria, Denmark, Poland, Sweden and Yugoslavia together provided Rs. 147 million for the benefit of dairy & food project as soft loan.
- Dairy Training Courses: Denmark organized 10 different training courses for middle level managers at Aarey milk colony, Bombay during 1951-56. Further from all this 10 different courses, from each course at least 5 to 6 persons were selected for advanced another six months training in Denmark. The entire expense for this was also borne by Denmark. New Zealand organized workshops and seminars at NDRI Karnal.
- Roviding Services of Experts : Experts in the field of Animal Husbandry, milk production, animal diseases, artificial insemination, fodder growing & Conservation, Grass land management, design and erection of dairies, product development, quality control, economics & marketing etc of foreign countries provided their professional help / guidance / expert knowledge to various projects.
- Scientific Equipments: Sophisticated specialized laboratory equipments which are not available in India were donated by many countries to be used at various dairy research stations.
- Training : Australia, New Zealand & Denmark have provided facilities to middle and top level executives of dairy field to visit their countries. During these visits appropriate training programme were organized to provide insight into their countries method of productions, handling, quality control, marketing etc. Along with training onsite visit of dairy plants were also organized.
- Gift of Cow & Bulls: Several Countries gave cows, bulls and frozen semen with equipment for handling it as gift. World Bank also helped dairy projects at Karnataka & Madhya Pradesh. ‘Impact of Foreign Collaboration in Dairy Development’: International bilateral collaboration in the field & dairy development was prominent feature after sixties. This collaboration helped in developing appropriate technology for tropical conditions, supported cross breeding programme, supplied equipments, and provided services of experts / consultants. These collaboration provided assistance in building an infrastructure of breeding units, frozen semen stations, field insemination units, fodder seed production, improving milk processing and distribution facilities. It also helped in development of training institution and a pool of well trained manpower.
7.3 Foreign Assistance to India
Some bilateral & multi-lateral assistance received by India in the field of dairy development is broadly indicated below.
27.3.1 Australia
- Composite cattle breeding projects in Assam and Haryana states.
- Supply of pure breed cattle of Jersey and Holstein breeds to set up nucleus breeding units in different states and supply of frozen semen to breed these herds.
- Fodder seeds production farm in Karnataka and supply of fodder seeds for trial and multiplication.
- Experts and consultants in different fields.
- Training of participants in Australia in dairy production, pasture & fodder development and animal health.
27.3.2 Canada
- Supply of Holstein – Friesian cattle, frozen semen and equipment to Kheda District Milk Producers Union in Anand (Gujarat), Punjab Dairy Development corporation (PDDC) and Bahratiya Agro-Industries Foundation (BAIF) in Maharashtra.
- Experts & Consultants in different fields.
- Training of participants in Canada in dairy cattle production, extension, technology and marketing.
27.3.3 Denmark
- Composite cattle breeding projects in Karnataka and Meghalaya states.
- Supply of Jersey, Holstein – Friesian and Red Dane cattle for setting up breeding units in different states with frozen semen & equipments.
- Supply of cryogenic equipment, bulls and frozen semen to set up semen stations in different states and under Operation Flood with services of consultants for monitoring.
- Assistance in the form of equipment, consultancy, etc for the central frozen semen training institute, Hessarghatta (Karnataka)
- Experts & consultants in different fields.
- Training of participants in dairy cattle productions, breeding technology and management.
Equipment for diagnostic laboratories at NDDB, Anand and Animal Husbandry Dept, Pune.
27.3.4 New Zealand
- Composite cattle breeding project in Himachal Pradesh.
- Supply of Jersey & Holstein Friesian cattle and frozen semen to set up breeding units in states.
- Supply of dairy equipment.
- Assistance for dairy training institute in Maharashtra
- Experts & Consultants in different fields.
- Training of participants in dairy cattle productions, technology, pasture and fodder production, marketing, and management.
27.3.5 Sweden
- Consultancy and Experts in A.I.
- Training in animal reproduction and gynecology for universities and selected development projects.
27.3.6 Switzerland
- Composite cattle breeding projects in Andhra Pradesh, Kerala & Punjab States.
- Composite dairy & breeding projects in Rajasthan.
27.3.7 United States
- Supply of dairy equipment
- Supply of Jersey cattle to set up breeding units.
- Experts & consultants in different fields.
- Training of participants in dairy cattle production, marketing, technology, breeding & fodder production.
27.3.8 United Kingdom
- Supply of Holstein- Friesian cattle
- Experts and consultants in dairy cattle production and marketing.
- Equipment to NDDB, Anand.
27.4 International Agencies
- European Economic Community (EEC).
- SMP and butteroil for operation Flood – II (NDDB/IDC)
27.4.1 FAO/UNDP
- International frozen semen donation programme.
- Setting up of grassland & forage demonstration stations on regional basis.
- Experts & consultants in different fields.
- Training of participants in dairy cattle productions, fodder & pasture development, breeding & management.
27.4.2 FAO/WFP
- Supply of coarse grains for the feed mixing plants for balanced feed production and utilizing the generated funds for development in different states and to Kheda District Cooperative Milk union.
- Supply of SMP & Butter oil for OF -I (NDDB/IDC)
27.4.3 UNICEF
- Dairy equipment for dairy plants & processing units in different states.
- Experts & consultants in different fields.
- Training of participants in Dairy Technology and allied fields.
27.4.4 World Bank (IDA)
Composite dairy development projects on the lines of OF in Karnataka, M.P, and Rajasthan, OF-II (NDDB/IDC).
27.5 India's Self Reliance in Dairy Industry
India obtains aids from different countries and many world bodies during the pre independence phase. India also obtains aid in the form of commodities (Skim milk powder and butter oil) during operation flood programme. But today India is the largest milk producing country in the world with milk production of 112.5 million tons in 2009-2010. Thus from era of dependency, India has reached to the stage of self reliance. India is now importing only limited quantity. India is now self reliant but due to very high population the per capita availability of milk is 263grms/day which is very near to world average.
Last modified: Monday, 1 October 2012, 7:05 AM