1.1.7 Shrimp and prawn seed production

1.1.7 Shrimp and prawn seed production

Shrimps and Prawns being the thrust among all the shellfishes, it is necessary to know the status of their seed production in the country. Among the shrimp species available in India, Tiger shrimp and White shrimp are the species of preference due to their international market.Therefore Indian hatheries concentrate more on the above two species.

Tiger shrimp is the most preferred among the two shrimp species. Quality brooders for the hatcheries is remaining as a major problem for the production of quality seeds. Captive broodstock development has not become a popular reality for P. monodon while, some attempts on P. indicus yielded good results. But in general all the shrimp hatcheries can work on both the species for captive seed production.

Last modified: Sunday, 25 December 2011, 5:57 AM