14.1.3 Induced Maturation (Eye stalk ablation)

14.1.3 Induced Maturation

Eye-stalk ablation

The X-organ-sinus gland complex in crustaceans plays an important role in the regulation of metabolism (Discussed in Unit 7 - Hormonal interaction). Two hormones responsible for the development and control of breeding are Moulting or Growth or Gonad or Ovarian Stimulating Hormone (MSH / GSH / OSH) and Moulting or Growth Inhibiting Hormone (MIH / GIH). While the MSH / GSH/ OSH will stimulate the growth and ovarian development of the crustaceans, the MIH /GIH will inhibit the development of the gonads.

Eye-stalk ablation in shrimps and crustaceans results in increased food intake, faster growth of ovary irrespective of developmental stage or season, significant increase in weight and size of oocytes and advancement of extrusion of eggs. Thus, the female shrimps (crustaceans) will be ready for spawning. Therefore they are subjected to unilateral eye-stalk ablation for the inducement of growth of ovary at any required time.

Last modified: Saturday, 24 December 2011, 11:06 AM