

  • More than 90 per cent of the iron in the body is combined with proteins, the most important being haemoglobin and myoglobin.
  • Iron also occurs in blood serum in a protein called transferrin, which is concerned with the transport of iron from one part of the body to another.
  • Ferritin is a protein containing iron. It is present in the spleen, liver, kidney and bone marrow and provides a form of storage for iron.
  • Haemosiderin is an another storage form of iron.
  • Iron has a major role in many of biochemical reactions, particularly in connection with enzymes of the electron transport chain (cytochromes).
  • Enzymes containing or activated by iron are catalase, peroxidases, phenylalanine hydroxylase etc.,
Last modified: Monday, 26 March 2012, 5:26 AM