Requirement and supplementation



  • Because of efficient recycling, requirement of iron for most of the farm animals is very low @ 25 –100 mg kg –1 dietary dry matter.
  • In laying hens the iron requirement is more, since egg production represents a considerable drain on the body reserves.
  • Increased during pregnancy, haemorrhages, young one when they are maintained on milk diet. Higher growth rate demands 125 ppm in piglet diet and 40 ppm to calves


  • Feeds of animal origin, such as meat, blood and fishmeals, are excellent sources of iron
  • Legume and oil seed meal are rich in iron.
  • Cereals straw and bran are rich in iron
  • Ferrous sulphate salts and iron dextran
Last modified: Monday, 26 March 2012, 5:56 AM