Module 11. Cheese from buffalo milk

Lesson 26


26.1 Process Alterations to Prepare Quality Buffalo Milk Cheese

26.1.1 Heat treatment

Heating buffalo milk at higher temperature is more suitable while preparing cheese from buffalo milk. The higher heat treatment results in partial precipitation of colloidal calcium and interaction of casein micelles with whey proteins prevents faster coagulation. The curd so formed retains more moisture, thereby improving body and texture of the resultant cheese.

26.1.2 Ripening of milk (acidification)

In case of cow milk about 1% active lactic culture is used for ripening of milk. A rise of 0.02% acidity in about 45-60 min is considered satisfactory for adding rennet. Since in case of buffalo milk acidity development is relatively slower due to its higher buffering capacity, the lactic culture is added at the elevated level of about 2%.

26.1.3 Supplementation of starter culture with starter adjuncts

Supplementation of regular starter culture with Lactobacillus casei 300 or Lactobacillus helveticus at the rate of 0.5% improves flavor development in buffalo milk cheese.

26.1.4 Ripening temperature of milk

Relatively lower temperature of ripening of milk (28°C) in case of buffalo milk is more conducive for acidity development as compared to the higher temperature (30°C) in case of cow milk.

26.1.5 Cooking temperature

Relatively lower cooking temperature in case of buffalo milk cheese (37°C/40-45 min) is helpful in retention of greater amount of moisture as compared to cow milk cheese (39-40°C/60 min).

26.1.6 Cheddaring

During cheddaring, piling and re-piling of cheese blocks should be more frequent to ensure greater retention of moisture in case of buffalo cheese.

26.1.7 Pressure

Lower pressure should be applied on cheese block in case of buffalo milk cheese as compared to cow milk cheese.

26.1.8 Application of starter culture adjuncts and enzyme preparation

In order to accelerate the ripening of cheese further from buffalo milk application of starter adjuncts and exogenous enzyme preparations should be made.

Last modified: Wednesday, 3 October 2012, 10:20 AM