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Course overview
Dear learners,the course on Applied Animal Nutrition (Ruminants) has been given a scientific insight with more of field photos, Quiz, Power point slides and a Question bank for easy understanding of the subject and revision. I hope as you go through the chapters it will be easy to learn and understand the practicality of feeding calves, heifers, milch cows and buffaloes, sheep and goats. Scientific dairy, sheep and goat farming under free range systems and intensive system is gaining momentum in our country. Cross breeding in dairy cattle has parrellely paved way for scientific feeding of cattle with balanced ration. Awarness among farmers on the importance of various nutrients like carbohyrates, protein, fat, minerals and vitamins for maximising productivity in cow has spread large and wide. Farmers have started to cultivated fodders like grasses, cereals and legumes in 10 to 15 cents of land for every dairy cow producing 10 liters of milk per day.
Sheep farmers have started flushing sheep before mating season to improve lambing percentage. Intensive goat farming on slatted floor sheds is gaining importance due to the demand for chevon. With this background in mind students should focus on understanding the fundamental theory in ruminant nutrition for various species and categories of production. |