Water and dry matter requirement of sheep


Water requirement of sheep

  • Plenty of fresh clean water should always be available.
  • Adult sheep on dry feed in winter may drink about 2 liters/head/day and 3.5 - 4 liters during summer.
  • Water requirement increases during growth, gestation, lactation and heat stress, when salt content of diet is more or when animals are made to travel long distances.
  • Normally a sheep will drink approximate 2-3 liters of water for every kg of dry feed consumed.
  • Sheep can tolerate salt content upto 1% in the drinking water.

Dry matter requirement of sheep

  • In general a adult sheep consumes 2.5 to 3% dry matter of their live body weight under stall feeding and grazing conditions.
  • However for a satisfactory growth, lambs require DM of about 4-5% of the body weight.
Last modified: Monday, 6 February 2012, 8:45 AM