Mineral and vitamins requirement of goats
Mineral requirement of goats:
Mineral deficiencies rarely occur in goats as the common feeds and fodders used in goats feed provides adequate quantities of the important minerals.
However some major minerals like sodium, chloride, calcium, phosphorus and sulphur are met while feeding the goats.\
Sodium chloride should be included in the concentrate mixture at the rate of 0.5%. Calcium requirement for maintenance is 4.7g/day while for milk production it is 1.3 g/kg of milk produced.
Where as phosphorus requirement is 3.3g/day for a adult goat. Provision of mineral licks/bricks in the shed is recommended to avoid occurrence of any deficiency.
Vitamins requirement of goat
The goats are generally allowed 5-6 hours grazing which takes care of their of vitamin A and vitamin D requirements.
Therefore vitamin A and vitamin D deficiency rarely occurs in goats.
However for stall fed goats these two vitamins should be necessarily supplied in their diet.
The vitamin E and vitamin K requirements are satisfied from the browse, hence no additional care is needed in this regard.
Vitamin B complex are not dietary essential as it is synthesized by ruminal micro-organisms.
However this vitamin should be included in diets of very young kids nursing their dams and when diet is suddenly changed.
In goats vitamin C is synthesized in body tissues in adequate quantities.

Last modified: Saturday, 31 March 2012, 8:27 AM