Anterior mesenteric artery


Collateral branches

  • Pancreatic branches to the pancreas.
  • The middle colic artery to the terminal part of the colon.
  • The ileo colic artery gives off the ileo-caecal artery, which divides into caecal and ileal branches to the caecum and ileum.
  • The ramus collaterallis runs in the mesentery along the ventral border of the coils of the colon and unites with the next branch.
  • It supplies the posterior one third of the small intestine.
  • The continuing trunk passes along the visceral border of the mesentery corresponding to the series of mesenteric lymph glands and unites with the ramus collaterallis.
  • It supplies the anterior two-third of the small intestine.
  • Both supply branches to the mesenteric lymph glands.


Last modified: Wednesday, 2 May 2012, 7:24 AM