Lacrimal apparatus



  • With the scissors slit open the lateral canthus and gently pull apart the two eyelids.
  • Study the conjuctiva.
  • Examine the position of the lacrimal gland.


  • Carefully dissect off the lacrimal gland from the eyeball. Reflect the eyelids towards the medial canthus by cutting at the fornix conjuctiva and then dissect them off leaving the third eyelid on the eyeball.
  • Examine the posterior face of the eyelid and opening of tarsal glands along the free border. Gently cut and reflect the mucous membrane away from the border and note the tarsal glands arranged in a linear series, their long axes are perpendicular to the free border of the eyelid.
  • Now examine the third eyelid on the eyeball. It consits of a fold of conjunctiva - the membrana nictitans enclosing a plate of hyaline cartilage. Surrounding the cartilage is the glands of the third eyelid. Make a section of this gland in its middle and note hyaline cartilage forming its core.
Last modified: Thursday, 3 May 2012, 6:28 AM