Physiological functions of Cerebral cortex
- Centre for voluntary movements-exerted by primary motor cortex Viz. Excitomotor cortex and is also responsible for highly skilled movements.
Centre for quick and phasic movements
Centre for postural maintenance-exerted by supplementary motor area
Centre for stretch and postural maintenance
Centre for complex co-ordinated movements
Frontal eye field of cerebral cortex is concerned with eye movement, pupillary dilatation and tear secretion
Centre for reflex vocalization
Centre for learning, memory processing and memory storage-compares past experiances and interprets the present experience
Centre for mood, emotions and behaviour-like socializing
Centre to receive specific sensations-crude sensations have sub cortical destination(except pain and crude temperature perceptions at thalamus level itself) finer sensations of touch temperature joint and vibratory senses are relayed to cortex
Centre for discriminative ability
Centre for spatial recognition
Centre for tactile discrimination and localization
Centre to compare and recognise relative intensity of different stimuli
Centre to recognise similarity and differences stereognosis
Centre for gustation-lower end of somestheti c cortex, lie next to motor cortex governing muscles of mastication
Centre for visual senses and visuo-psychic sensations
Centre for auditory senses and audito-psychic sensations
Centre for olfactory sensations
Last modified: Tuesday, 13 September 2011, 6:31 AM