Function and mechanism of mastication



  • Physical breakdown increases the surface area of food, which improves the microbial digestion.
  • Assist in appreciating the flavor of the food.
  • Improves salivary and gastric activities.
  • Initial digestion of carbohydrates is facilitated.
  • Contributes to dilution and buffering of ruminoreticular fluid.


  • Reflex activity under the control of CNS.
  • Mastication is basically a voluntary act but usually takes place involuntarily.
  • Mastication reflex or chewing reflex is the rhythmic movements of mandible.
  • Lowering pf mandible due to extension of tongue( mainly in bovine) is known as LINGUO MANDIBULAR REFLEX.
  • Stimuli for masticatory reflex is the presence of food in the oral cavity.
  • These are receptors in tongue and oral mucosa which initiates mastication by the sense of food.
  • Sensory impulses are carried via trigeminal, facial, and glossopharyngeal nerves to brain stem.
  • Efferent via trigeminal supplied to mastigatory muscles.
  • This in turn causes rhythmic movement of the mandible in relation to the maxilla.
  • This results in shearing and crushing of food.
  • The main mastigatory muscles include temporalis with the assistance from massetor muscle for shearing and massetor with the assistance from pterygoid muscles for grinding.  
Last modified: Friday, 3 June 2011, 8:46 AM