Mastication reflex


  • Reflex activity under the control of brain stem.
  • Mastication is basically voluntary but usually takes place involuntarily.
  • Mastication reflex or chewing reflex is by the rhythmic movement of the mandible.
  • Lowering of the mandible due to the extension of the tongue is known as linguo mandibular reflex.
  • Stimuli for masticatory reflex is the presence of food in the oral cavity
  • Receptors in the tongue and oral mucosa initiate mastication by the sense of food.
  • Sensory impulses are carried via trigeminal, facial and glossopharyngeal nerves to brain stem.
  • Motor orders reach masticatory muscles via trigeminal nerve
  • This inturn causes rhythmic movement of mandible in relation to the maxilla.
  • This results in shearing and crushing a food.
  • The main masticatory muscles supplied by trigeminal nerve include Temporalis with assistants from Massetor muscle for shearing and Massetor with assistants from Pterygoid muscles for grinding.

Last modified: Thursday, 9 June 2011, 5:32 AM