Rumination is a reflex initiated by mechanical stimulation of mucosal receptors of reticulum, ruminireticular fold, rumen and cardia.
Particles of the feed influences the time on rumination.
Feeding of hay diet requires eight hours of rumination. Feeding well chapped smaller pieces of grass reduces time of rumination.
Rumination starts with third contraction of reticulum viz regurgitation contraction which aids in clearing the cardia for opening.
Regurgitated bolus is primarily of liquid ingesta.
From reticulum it is pushed reflexly to opened cardio oesophageal sphincter.
Lower intra oesophageal pressure at this point causes the pressure gradient to flood the ingesta from the stomach to cardia.
Forceful inspiration with closed glottis causes decrease in intrapleural and intra oesophageal pressure.
The presuure gradient is purely achieved by forceful inspiratory effort mediated by the contraction of costal muscles and not by ruminal/ reticular contraction.
Reverse peristalsis moves the regurgitated bolus from esophagus to mouth. In the mouth, the liquid ingesta from the bolus is squeezed and swallowed. This is followed by reinsalivation and remastication.
Vagus provides the afferent fibres and the rumination center is located in the brain stem.
Efferent fibres supply to salivary gland, esophagus, reticulum, muscles for inspiration, mastication and deglutition.
Last modified: Thursday, 9 June 2011, 6:05 AM