Collection procedure



  • The animal is restrained with nose grips.
  • The mouth is opened by pulling out the tongue to one side.
  • The head of the animal is held high and the strainer steel spiral sound is incubated with suction strainer until it reaches the rumen .
  • The rumen fluid is collected by operating the suction pump.
  • Rumen fuid is collected upto the brim of the container to  minimize the exposure to oxygen and change in rumen pH.
  • Can be collected using hypodermic needle.(6 inches long with 18 gauge)

Rumen collection

Rumen Liquor collection

Sheep and goat

  • The animal is restrained between the knees.
  • The head is raised above.
  • The mouth gag is inserted across the mouth and the rumen fluid extraction pump is incubated by introducing suctions strainer through the hole in the mouth gag which pass over the tongue and pass the epiglottis into the cranial part of the esophagus .
  • The tube passing through the esophagus on the left side of the neck of the animal is visualized .
  • When the suction strainer is dipped into the rumen contents, the suction pump is operated and the required quantity of rumen fluid is collected.
Last modified: Wednesday, 14 September 2011, 10:44 AM