Recording of Intestinal Motility-Procedure


  • Prepare the organ bath to maintain the temperature at 38oC, fill the container with Tyrode solution.
  • Anaesthetise the rabbit by injecting Ketamine @ 25mg/kg body weight i/m in combination with Midazolam @ 5mg/kg body weight intra muscularly.
  • Shave the abdominal region and clean the area with warm water.
  • After cleaning, the skin can be sterilized by swabbing with 70% ethanol.
  • Open the abdominal cavity by making linear incision along the linea alba.
  • Remove gently a few 3-4cm long portions of jejunum (without mesentery) and oxygenate them frequently.
  • Using a needle put a thread onto the wall of one of the isolated intestine place from inside to outside and make a small loop, leaving the thread in place.
  • Pass a threaded needle to the other end of the intestinal piece, tie a knot and leave about 15cm thread.
  • The long free end of this thread is connected to the lever.
  • Do not close the lumen of the gut.
  • Pass the loop over the O2 tube and tie the intestine with it and put this tube into the inner vessel and fix it in position.
  • Connect the oxygen tube to O2 cylinder and allow 2-3 bubbles of O2 to pass through Tyrode solution per minute.
  • Carefully adjust the lever to mark the kymograph. Record the intestinal movements on the kymograph.
  • Add 1 ml of adrenaline to the Tyrode solution and record its effect.
  • Completely drain the Tyrode solution, replace fresh Tyrode solution, record the normal in­testinal motility.
  • Add 0.5 ml of acetylcholine to Tyrode solution and record its effect.
Last modified: Monday, 12 September 2011, 10:49 AM